Why Is It So Hard to Appoint a Children’s, Youth, or Family Minister?
Churches across the country are finding it increasingly difficult to appoint ministers for children, youth, and family ministries.
Christology: Why Prophet, Priest and King Matters for Children’s and Youth Ministry Today | Part 2
In part one of this blog, we briefly explored the threefold office of Christ and how it is presented in Scripture. In this second part, we will consider why this doctrine is significant for our ministry to children and young people.
Christology: Why Prophet, Priest and King Matters for Children’s and Youth Ministry Today | Part 1
And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. John 17:3
Embracing the Joys and Challenges of a New Ministry Year
Ministry is an incredible vocation. Those of us who serve in children’s, youth, and family ministry are often at the heart of the most dynamic, joy-filled, and life-changing work within the church.