Immerse yourself in eight captivating books over the year, with each month dedicated to a new exploration. Take the opportunity to indulge in a month-long deep dive into each book’s insights, then come together with fellow participants for engaging 90-minute discussions on Zoom. It’s not just about reading—it’s about fostering reflection and community in the pursuit of ministry excellence. Join us on this enriching journey of learning and growth!
All content © Growing Young Disciples 2024.
Registered Charity Number 1178450.
Privacy Policy. Terms & Conditions. Event Booking Terms & Conditions.
Design by ninefootone.
Growing Young Disciples has a threefold mandate: to train, resource, and advise…
This year, our theme is ‘Christ: Prophet, Priest, and King’. We will use the traditional categories of Jesus as prophet, priest, and king to enhance our understanding of his life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. Be prepared to be blown away by the majesty and beauty of the Lord Jesus!
Encouraging, training and equipping volunteers.
In-person or online training for your church.
A bespoke one-to-one programme to nurture and develop children’s, youth and families workers at any stage in their ministry.
All content © Growing Young Disciples 2024.
Registered Charity Number 1178450.
Privacy Policy. Terms & Conditions. Event Booking Terms & Conditions.
Design by ninefootone.