Volunteer Training Programme

What is the GYD Fortify programme? As you know, we are very concerned to equip and resource all those doing children’s, youth, and family ministry in the local church. As a huge percentage of this ministry is carried out by a vast army of volunteers, GYD developed the Fortify Programme to encourage, train and equip these wonderful people who serve in a voluntary capacity. Currently we do this through regional Fortify Training Days and a variety of short online courses.

We recognise that there are literally thousands, if not tens of thousands, of volunteer leaders sacrificially serving in churches across the U.K. and Ireland. Among them there is a tremendous wealth of experience, knowledge and understanding, as well a great passion for the work with children and young people. We also know that there are many kid’s, youth and family workers who are striving to train their teams well and are constantly multiplying ministry. We rejoice and give thanks for those teams and workers.

And so we simply want to Fortify, add strength to, the tremendous work that’s already been done. In the same way the perfectly satisfactory Rice Krispies are fortified with vitamins and iron, we hope to strengthen volunteer leaders as they seek to show Jesus to the next generation and nurture them in faith.

You will find more details on the various Fortify tabs, but in short, we offer in-person training days and some short courses throughout the year in kid’s, youth and family ministry. We pray that there will be something to serve all, and over time we might be able to join you in fortifying your teams for the sake of the gospel.

Fortify Enquiry

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Growing Young Disciples has a threefold mandate: to train, resource, and advise…

Meet the team…

6–9 January 2025.

Yarnfield Park.

Conference 2025

This year, our theme is ‘Christ: Prophet, Priest, and King’. We will use the traditional categories of Jesus as prophet, priest, and king to enhance our understanding of his life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. Be prepared to be blown away by the majesty and beauty of the Lord Jesus!

Seminary level training in children’s, youth and family ministry.

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All content © Growing Young Disciples 2025.