Handing down the faith
“One generation commends your works to another;
they tell of your mighty acts.”
Psalm 145.4
Fortify Days are for everyone involved in kid’s and youth ministry! The aim of the days is to encourage, resource and equip those who are passionate about raising the next generation to know Jesus and live for God’s glory. There will be several days every year across the U.K. and Ireland that you can plan to bring your teams to. We want to ensure they’ll be accessible for everyone and that includes making them very affordable and highly interactive. In 2024/25 we’ll be helping participants to think deeply about what the Lord God says on the issue of passing on the faith to the next generation; a generation who are growing up in an increasingly post-truth / post-Christian culture. Please join us as we mine the riches of God’s Word for help and guidance, join together to sing the praises of our loving Father, and unite in prayer for the children and teens entrusted to our care.
10am – 4pm
(Registration opens at 10am, with refreshments available)
£20 early-bird rate
(available up to 3 weeks prior to event)
£25 standard rate
10% group discounts available for groups over 5
(Use discount code FORTIFYBULK)
St Andrew’s Church, Leyland
in conjunction with the NW Gospel Partnership