Children & Families Worker/Co-ordinator

St Andrew's Westlands

We are looking for someone to continue and develop our ministry and outreach to Children and Families. This is an established post, taking up the continuing challenge of finding ways of passing on the Christian faith both to those whose parents are part of the church and to others in the community too.

We’d very much welcome an informal conversation on the phone with anyone who thinks that they might be interested in the post. Please contact Andrew Dawswell, vicar of St Andrew’s on 01782 619594. (If you’re struggling to catch him, do email leaving your phone number).



Would consider part-time of 20 hours or more, or a term-time contract

Application Deadline

11th November 2024

Growing Young Disciples has a threefold mandate: to train, resource, and advise…

Meet the team…

6–9 January 2025.

Yarnfield Park.

Conference 2025

This year, our theme is ‘Christ: Prophet, Priest, and King’. We will use the traditional categories of Jesus as prophet, priest, and king to enhance our understanding of his life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. Be prepared to be blown away by the majesty and beauty of the Lord Jesus!

Seminary level training in children’s, youth and family ministry.

Find out more

All content © Growing Young Disciples 2024.